Not Journal

Hi, this is Not Journal. It's like my Journal but not really because Journal is private so this is Not Journal.


Hmm I'm getting Déjà vu, I feel like I've started Not Journal before & deleted it or something.

I'm not really going to update this frequently so no point in keeping time sub-tree but I'll keep it anyways. This is useless TBH because I'm not going to write anything here, why wouldn't I write them in my Journal instead?


systat(1) is nice, I haven't explored all of it but the bottom left corner shows drive write/read speeds.

I'm thinking of turning this into a knowledge page or something. I'll write little things I learn over here. Err… I'll forget about this again.


I'm doing the Advent of Code thing these days.


It's been 3 years since I created this page. I recall visiting it sometime last year too. I'm currently in the process of migrating my Website to a new design and a new way of publishing things.